Tag Archives: period

Rule 10: Know Your Cycle!

 Put a red dot on the calendar to avoid a red smudge on your pants.

Don’t be that woman that’s always blindsided by their menstrual cycle.  No grown woman should have to go around pleading for pads (or ‘lady’s personals’ as my mom called them), letting everyone know it’s that time of the month.  Knowing yourself means knowing your body and the way it functions.  A stranger telling you to check your pants shouldn’t be your first hint your period is starting.

Know the changes that occur before your period actually starts.  Some clues are swollen sensitive breasts, abdominal and back pain, changes in your mood…the lists goes on.

Know your flow.  Knowing the amount you typically bleed can help you pick the right ‘lady’s personal’ to use.  Should you be using panty liners or super long pads?  Should you change your pad every few hours or every couple hours?  This helps you avoid stains on your panties and sheets.

I know this is gross, but know the typical look and even smell of your period blood.  The changes in texture, color, and even smell can tell you a lot about your vaginal health.

If you can tell me when the next season of your favorite show starts but draw a blank when you its time to predict your next period…there’s a problem.

Out of all the rules, this one is probably the easiest.  Get to know your body…no you don’t have to go into the bathroom with a hand mirror…just pay attention and be aware.

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Posted by on April 15, 2015 in Opinion, Woman


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Woman Chat: Pregnant Period

redI’m on my period. Girl just put a towel down.

Stop, don’t put your guard down.

Having sex on your period can still result in pregnancy.  Whaaaaaat?!?  It’s unlikely, but possible.

Here’s a quick lesson.  Your period occurs when the lining of your uterus sloughs off after your released egg goes unfertilized after ovulation.  Most periods occur on a cycle of about 26-34 days and lasts for 2-7 days.

Buuuut.  That’s the normal rule, and we know women don’t always follow the same beaten path.  Some women have shorter cycles.  Just a two day shorter cycle can throw everything off.  Women with shorter cycles ovulate, menstruate for a full 7 days, have sex on that last day, and get pregnant.  Why?  This is because women with shorter cycles can ovulate as soon as 3 days after menstruation.  You may have had sex on your period, but sperm can survive inside you for up to 5 days, and still be swimming when you start ovulation.


– Always follow rule 1 of woman code and protect yourself.

– Know your cycle.

– Understand your body to know what is not normal.

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Posted by on March 12, 2014 in Facts, Woman


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