Tag Archives: vagina

Woman Chat: Pee to Prevent Pregnancy?

 Can you prevent pregnancy if you pee after sex?

Let’s go through the thought process from the tip…top

When you have sex, the penis ejaculates a few inches inside the vagina.  When your partner ejaculates, the sperm moves fast from the semen through the cervix to the eggs.

Keep in mind, you don’t pee from your vagina.   So you are not actually rinsing the sperm out of your vagina.  You pee from your urethra and the sperm in your vagina (they are not in the same place)

When you pee, semen comes out due to force and gravity.  Remember semen is only the liquid containing the sperm cells that can get you pregnant.  Less semen inside, less sperm cells, so…less likely to get pregnant.  Don’t forget there are already millions of sperm  that escaped that semen and are still racing to your eggs.

Will I recommend you rely on this method to prevent or reduce the risk of pregnancy?

Heeeeeck no.  Think about this ladies.  Your partner ejaculates about 500 million sperm into your vagina.  It only takes one to get pregnant.  When you pee, semen comes out, but the sperm moves fast from the semen to your eggs.  You can’t outrun them with a race to the bathroom.

What’s the biggest myth you’ve heard to avoid getting pregnant?

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Posted by on April 11, 2015 in Facts, Sex


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